POST: May 15: (No city given) USA
Thanks for your glorious site...Hayley
POST: May 15: Hot Springs, AR, USA
Your site is just...what I want: i.e. sheet music and lyrics...Thank you, Robert
POST: May 14: Garden Tomb, Jerusalem, Israel
I am enquiring about the hymn "Thine Be the Glory"...Many thanks, Angela
POST: May 10: Singapore, Malaysia
I love to listen to the hymns...
Thank you and have a blessed day. Timmy
POST: May 1: Lisbon, Spain
Hi Paul,
I am a Christian and I'm active at the church where I am a member and sing in the choir. I"m 20 years old and I am studying to be an opera singer. I have discovered this website this Sunday when "googleing" for a hymn by the tune...and I just loved it. I would really like to help if there's anything I can do.
POST: April 20: Guntersville, AL, USA
Thanks for the hard work you do bringing the great hymns to people. My family has been able to hear some hymns for the first time, or sing some that we have loved for years. Recently we studied [on your site] about the hymn "Eternal Father, Strong to Save." Then we went to see the USS Alabama battleship. One of the display areas had "Eternal Father, Strong to Save" playing. The boys were so excited and started singing along...
Source: Google Analytics
We continue to see growth in the use of the website in the first half of 2010. We do not have complete numbers today, but we'll pass them along to you in our next newsletter.
We continue to have many Internationals on our site--including those from Muslim countries such as: Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Oman and others...
Next time, we'll include a report on the countries of Africa that have large numbers of users visiting our site. As always, it is amazing (and gratifying!) to see how the website is used by the Lord for His honor and glory! Keep the website in your prayers!
We continue to pray that the Lord will send many financial partners to help us in our quest to increase the number of hymns on our site. Hence, we continue to bring to your attention the need for funds to meet this need.
God is faithful, but we do not want to get ahead of Him. And so we wait for all the necessary funds to come in before we begin to work on this urgent project.
If you have any questions about our work or ideas or suggestions, do not hesitate to communicate by e-mail, or feel free to just pick up the phone and call us at 800-587-5780. If you don't get us at first, please keep trying...we do want to talk with you. May God bless you...
Therefore, by Him, let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips... Hebrews 13:15
In the book of Hebrews, the New Testament writer reveals a fantastic picture of God's people, who having been freed from the ritual of animal sacrifice, are now able to present to God "continually...the sacrifice of praise. No longer shackled to an earthly system of sacrifices, Christians have been given a holy office and calling; they are "kings and priests" to God by Christ Jesus. Having become citizens of heaven, they continually offer their sacrifices of praise as God-ordained priests of Christ and His kingdom."
WE had intended for you to receive this news update in June--but our annual KIDS CHOIR CAMP, held from June 14-June 18, intervened!
This year's camp was again a great success: a blending of great music and a great message. And as usual, our Camp had a wonderful mix of instrumental and vocal music as well.
The Camp had four vocal choirs and four instrumental ensembles, all aimed at children who do not bring a great deal of musical experience to the week.
In addition to great KIDS, we again had a wonderful staff of musicians and associates. From the first minutes of the Camp on Monday to the last strains of our Festival of Praise on Friday evening, there was a flurry of activity as the children came together to sing--from memory! wonderful anthems and hymns.
We hope to get another newsletter to you soon. Thanks for remembering the Center in your prayers--and thanks for the many calls and e-mails of encouragement.
Down through the centuries, the Church has retained great hymns because of the dignified structure and intellectual strength of the words and nuances of theology that are conveyed in the poetry.
Dr. John MacArthurListen to it on the website or on a radio station in your area. We encourage you to sing this hymn often. It is a great hymn of courage and strength! And it is one of Charles Wesley's best...!
Center for Church Music | 12879 Lakeshore Drive | Grand Haven, MI 49417
Fax: 616-846-9256 | Toll Free Number: 1-800-587-5780
For more information fill out our contact form
Many photos courtesy of
Copyright © 2025 Center for Church Music