Paul's passion for church music started at an early age. As a boy alto,
he was singing professionally at age eight in churches and other
venues. Originally trained in choral music, his lyric tenor voice led
him to various opera and oratorio roles in his twenties and thirties.
His professional career ended in his late thirties, but he remained
active as a studio voice teacher in Chicago.
In addition to Paul's interest in vocal performance, he maintained a church position over the years. His first paid position began when he was a senior in high school. Since then he has worked in several different churches. His longest tenure was in Wheaton, Illinois where he ministered at historic College Church for almost ten years building a music program of over 200 singers. In addition to training choirs, he was instrumental in the design of a new sanctuary and the installation of a new 59 rank Schantz organ.
For the past nine years, he has been director of music at 7th Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He and his family live in Grand Haven, Michigan on the shores of Lake Michigan.
The Center for Church Music has long been a dream for Paul. For almost thirteen years, it has been on the drawing board. Over the past six years, it gradually has become a reality. The launching of the Adoration Songbook is the first of several projects devoted to music of the church. Paul says, "Music and the church are inseparable. Over the past 2000 years, there has been an ebb and flow in regard to church music, and particularly, the singing of hymns. At the dawn of a new century, we have a great opportunity to again define the purpose and place of music in the church."
The Center is dedicated to this proposition. God willing, the Center will be a positive influence for Christ and His Church. As CS Spurgeon said, "When your heart is full of Christ, you will want to sing!"
B.M. Choral Music--Arizona
State University
M.M. Vocal Performance--Arizona State University
D.M.A. Vocal Performance--University of Arizona