IN JOB 38, GOD ORDAINED THE 'MORNING STARS' (His angelic host) to sing praise to Him the very split-second the universe (and the earth!) came into being. It was an incredibly dramatic scene as the angels' glorious song of praise echoed throughout the immensity of the universe--and in all likelihood is still reverberating at this very moment!
Hence, from the very onset of time itself, God chose singing to be the means for praise and worship. Throughout Scripture, we find this pattern to still be the rule: music is always at the forefront in the praise and worship of God.
For the Christian, this is a great distinctive as they have an incredible incentive to sing! All humankind can sing, but only God's chosen ones have been called to sing praise to Him.
At the moment of salvation, the Holy Spirit indwells the true believer. (Romans 8:9; cf. John 7:38-39) This incredible moment of salvation--a miracle!--is the occasion for Christ to indwell a believer by the Holy Spirit. The moment that happens, the Spirit takes up residence in that person's life.
Then, whether they are aware of it or not, a life of continuous praise begins. This continuous life of praise is not an option, but in reality, it is a mandate. for as Ephesians 5:18, 19 says:
Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord...It's critical to remember that apart from God's Spirit, no one can fulfill God's will for his/her life. Receiving God's Spirit is a "one-time" event. But, the continuous aspect of being filled (think of it as "being kept filled") involves a day-by-day, moment-by-moment submission to the Spirit's control.
Being "filled with the Spirit" is not something we do, but what we allow to be done in us. This "filling" is entirely the work of the Spirit Himself, but He works only through our willing submission!
If the, being filled with the Spirit is only for true believers, singing praise to God is reserved for those who are followers of Christ. As believers sing praise to God, they fill their minds and hearts with God's Word and they allow His thoughts to become their thoughts and His will their will.
At Creation, the angels sang. Throughout our entire lives, we do the same: we manifest our joy and love for God by singing the song of the angels:
Alleluia: Praise the Lord!