One of the great descriptions for a Christian is "a Kingdom Person." That means, of course, that they are continually aware of whose they are, and where they’re going.
Each week, we recite the wonderful words of "the Lord’s Prayer." Contained in the prayer is: "Thy Kingdom come" (Matthew 6:10)
As we say these words, it’s easy to forget the "real" majesty and glory reflected in those three short words, "Thy Kingdom come." While at the moment, God’s kingdom is a spiritual one; someday it will be a literal kingdom reflecting the incredible glory and majesty of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Jesus in Luke 17:21 says: "The Kingdom of God is within you."
Jesus was talking to his disciples, reminding them that while they are walking this earth, it is the condition of their hearts (minds) that must reflect God’s kingdom.
As we mentioned last week, all Christians carry within them the "weight of glory". That is, we are continually reminded that someday all wrongs will be made right and that the reality of His glorious, eternal presence will be just that – real!
What a great inheritance! Therefore we must never lose sight of the following essentials:
As we begin this new season, let us renew our efforts to sing the best music with the best technique that we can accomplish. Let God’s glory live in us right now!