Singing involves the body! It is a physical activity! As we age (from adolescent to ???) the muscles of the body must be used. We often say about the body: "It's either use or lose." While it's not easy to keep our bodies physically fit, it is essential to good health and a positive state of mind.
The same is true fo the human voice in general--and it is doubly so for the singer. Each day you should attempt to do some singing (we all sound good in the shower, right?) Singing some basic warmups on your way to work or singing a hymn before going to bed is important if you are to keep your instrument ready for ministry.
If you only sing on Thursdays and Sundays, it is not enough. We challenge you to develop a regimen for singing during the week. It doesn't have to be a lot--15-20 minutes is enough. Also, if you can sing on Thursday and Sunday before you come to choir--that will be a tremendous help not only for your own singing, but for the success of the choir as a whole. Remember: our choir is like a chain, every link is important to the strength of the music ministry!!