To sing with us, 1) Click on the music thumbnail icon to view the sheet music (you don't have to read music!), and 2) Engage the audio file by clicking on the Real audio or Mp3 file.
This week's hymn speaks of our unchanging and faithful God, "Our God, Our Help in Ages Past." Based on Psalm 90, this hymn tells of God's help in the past, protection for today, hope for tomorrow, and a home for all eternity.
Sing this hymn often this week and this year. Let this be your prayer, "O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, be Thou our Guide while life shall last, and our eternal home."
Every Sunday, around 2:15 CST, a Moody radio station near you may feature our weekly hymn lessons. A 5 minute spot is used to highlight our hymn of the week.
Radio lessons for O God, Our Help In Ages Past
Weekly: [ Mp3 | Real Audio ]